A Willingness to Forget #8.   2013, 230x260mm  Pencil and bees wax on paper.

A Willingness to Forget #8. 

2013, 230x260mm

Pencil and bees wax on paper.

 A Willingness to Forget 2  2013, 270x290mm  Pencil and watercolour on Arches paper.

A Willingness to Forget 2

2013, 270x290mm

Pencil and watercolour on Arches paper.

will 2.jpg
the shape.jpg
 A Willingness to Forget #8.   2013, 230x260mm  Pencil and bees wax on paper.
 A Willingness to Forget 2  2013, 270x290mm  Pencil and watercolour on Arches paper.
will 2.jpg
the shape.jpg

A Willingness to Forget #8. 

2013, 230x260mm

Pencil and bees wax on paper.

A Willingness to Forget 2

2013, 270x290mm

Pencil and watercolour on Arches paper.

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